Maximize your potential with a simple plan.

Who’s it for?

This is for or strong and capable men that crave the power and freedom of a 4x4 Man. If you’re reading this, you’re probably one of them.

What’s the goal?

Be the man that other men respect, and women want to sleep with. It’s that simple. This will impact every part of your life.

How’s it work?

Double down on your strengths and resources to build a strong frame, cultivate wealth, and reach your full potential using the 4x4 Method.

What’s the method?

Spend time away from home. Lots of it.

  • Work in a dedicated workplace that is yours and that you thrive in.

  • Go to events that are yours, and where you excel in the industry.

  • Go to recreational outings that you enjoy, with people that you enjoy being with, and with people whom you respect being challenged by.

  • Build a social life that is thriving outside of your family. Be a leader of industry and men.

Build rivers and streams of revenue.

  • Cultivate options in your life.

  • Use this as a defensive posture that allows you to maximize your movement options.

  • Avoid having all of your revenue flowing into one place (the joint bank account) where it’s easily monitored and diverted.

  • Use this challenge in your life to make money more creatively and smarter.

Cultivate pools of resources.

  • If everything you earn goes to one account, and everything you own lives in one place, low paid government workers and ambitious parasites will decide for you how those resources should be used.

  • You should never have to worry about who sees what restaurant you spend money at, or stress about spending the money you earned how you please.

  • Establish businesses, investments, and repositories of your resources.

Arm yourself, and know your escape routes.

  • We came from a time of kings, walls, archers, and knights.

  • We live in a time of capitalists, legislators, accountants, and lawyers.

  • Lawyers are the new knights, accountants are the new archers. Know them well. Employ them.

Lead yourself and lead others.

  • Be clear in your vision and refine it often.

  • Lead by example, by doing, and by being.

Choose strength, mobility, and health.

  • All the money in the world can’t replace this life and the moments in them. Be present, choose to be strong, healthy, skilled, and mobile through this physical existence.

Love who you love.

  • Be authentic in who you are. Don’t lie about your intentions or try to strike covert contracts.

  • Don’t hide from your feelings or cloud your instincts with shame. Women are beautiful, friends are worth having, and family is priceless. Love who you love, and be honest about your feelings with them.

Caveat: do all of this LEGALLY and on purpose. You’re a man. You are blessed with the super power of direct communication and the gift of vision. Choose your path, unapologetically represent it to the world, say what you’re going to do and do what you say you’re going to do.