Be the man that other men respect, and women want to sleep with.

A plan for Strong and Capable Men that crave the power and freedom of a 4x4 Man.


Master attraction and confidence. Double down on your strengths and resources to build a strong frame, cultivate wealth, and reach your full potential using the 4x4 Method.

  • Download the 4x4 Recall Primer.

  • Change one thing about your resource position today.

  • Use the principles to drastically build more wealth and control more options.

Build A Strong Frame

I renegotiated my salary three times in one year, landing in my first six-figure gig after a head hunter found me. This happened because of simple frame principles. I built something that was secure, and I didn’t fall apart when it was pressed upon. This makes you attractive in business and dating, and leads to more success in all aspects of your life.


Maximize Resources

You have to cultivate options in your life. This is a defensive posture that allows you to maximize your movement options. If you can move, you have autonomy and leverage, which is power and strength.

Ask a question today, let’s tackle one issue and get you started down the path of success!


Reach Your Full Potential

You’re the champion in this story. 4x4 Recall is about tapping into the 4x4 Man that is already inside of you, and using your masculine traits to surpass 97% of the men around you that remain floppy men.

All solutions come from the paradigm of increasing your health, wealth, and position in life by leaning on timeless principles!


“This changed my life. I see the Floppy Man everywhere now, and that will never be me again!”

— A. Ward, Subscriber.



You should book a 1:1 Session. Ask me a question. Nothing is too big or too small!
